Thursday, October 15, 2009


Ever since history has been recorded, human beings have always tried to create tools for their comfort. From the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel man has always sought the familiarities of ease and comfort in his day to day life.

In recent times man is more comfort-crazy than ever. From the invention of automobiles to cell phones humans have made it clear that the new word for comfort is “MOBILITY”. The more mobile a tool allows a person to be, the more useful the person finds that tool. This is nowhere more evident than in the creation of mobile phones, which nowadays nearly everyone possesses. The simple reason for its success is that it allows people to be mobile and still stay in contact with each other.
Computers are no doubt the most versatile devices created by man to date. It can be used in a variety of situations, irrespective of the persons who uses it. It is only logical that people would try to increase their comfort levels with computers and try to make their use easier.
“Application of J2ME” is the next step for this goal. It utilizes two of the most prevalent electronic devices present today- the mobile and the computer, and combines them to create a versatile remote for your ordinary home PC. This means that a person can access their computer system while being mobile, thus increasing their level of comfort.
The applications of “Application of J2ME” are limited only by imagination. Though it is currently limited by today’s wireless technology, its future growth is bound to be exponential.
And its use is not limited to simply controlling computers. With the insertion of proper electrical hardware we can connect our electrical appliances with our systems and can thus control them with our mobile. This effectively includes a remote control for switching lights and fans ON/OFF with our mobile.


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