Sunday, October 25, 2009

My 2nd Post

Application Of BlueTooth

The project enables the user to control different devices and applications used in the day to day needs while being inside the house as well as outside the house; it provides the user with the complete mobility and freedom to be on the move. The main concept of the whole endeavor is to inculcate the new needs arising due to the changed lifestyle of present generation.

1. This project will be applicable for computer operate by mobile client across the globe.
2. Today’s lifestyle requires oneself to move excessively in a confined area for long durations for example house, office etc.

3. Project will deploy different levels of security depending on the identity and status of user.

4. The project will maintain one needs to always interact with confined environment like computers, music players messaging equipments .

5. On the move provides with the most comprehensive solution to this problem because it functions wirelessly.

For more information you have to wait for my next POST ......Which is comming very soon ......

Have a nice day.


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